Experiment Four: Image-Audio Mashup (2-bit Technique)

The Principle

Each byte = one pixel = one audio sample = 8 bits = (0 <= x <= 255)

If we modify each byte's low two bits (i.e. 111111XX) it is possible to paint a four colour image onto an audio stream.

Each Unsigned 8-bit PCM sample will only be munged by up to 4/256 ~= 1.6%. More of the original data will remain intact than with the layering technique. Most of the colours are sacrificed because it is easier to look at a messed-up picture than listen to noisy audio. Four colours is plenty.

Paint Four Colours Onto Audio

  1. Open an audio file in Audacity and make it the desired size:
    1. Mix the audio file down to 1-channel (Mono).
    2. Resample the project with (# of samples = IMAGE_X * IMAGE_Y) of your desired image
    3. Export As Unsigned 8-Bit PCM Raw (header-less)
  2. Open an image file in GIMP and Decompose it manually:
    1. If using BMP, ensure the width is a multiple of 4. Otherwise padding will be added.
    2. Make the image 4-colour. In the main window menu select Image - Mode - Indexed. In the Indexed Colour Conversion window choose Generate optimum palette with Maximum number of colours: 4.
    3. Use the Select By Colour tool with high Threshold to Select, Copy, and Paste the three of the four colours into their own separate files. *
    4. Maximize Contrast so that each is just white-on-black.
    5. Each colour-file should be the same size as each other, and without the header the same size as the raw audio export from ealier.
    6. Across these files each image coordinate (x,y) should match (On or Off) one of the four colours.
    7. Export each colour-file as its own 8bpp bitmap, with only white or black pixels. Or if you are feeling brave, a 1bpp pixmap with the necessary modifications.
    8. * Only three mask files are needed; every unmatched pixel is the fourth colour.
    file1 file2 file3
  3. Write a program to loop over the audio file and paint the image onto it:
    1. Open the audio file for reading.
    2. Open the three colour-files for reading. Skip the BMP header in each.
    3. Open a new file for writing.
    4. For each byte of audio data, check each byte of colour-files. If one of the colour pixels is set (white, 0xFF), then set the low two bits of the audio byte to a certain value (i.e. 00, 01, 10, 11). If none of the three are set use the fourth value.
    5. Write the new value.
    6. Close the file.
  4. Write another program, this time to create a colour map:
  5. Strip the BMP and DIB header from the beginning of one of the three colour mask files.
  6. Replace the colour map with the one you made. (raw map file)
  7. Append the merged/painted data onto the new header, and save with a ".bmp" extension.
  8. Play the new file

In this way, each byte/pixel/sample represents a substantial portion of the original audio and one of four colours. The shading used in the colour map will be visible in the image as audio waves from left-to-right.

And here is another example of a 2-bit image/audio mashup.

And a third example which showcases my amazing drawing talents.

And another, and another!

Here is an example of stenography (i.e. hiding data)